CPS Health Care and Telewellness Present the Rating of COVID Technologies on a Lifetime Award
- 2021年03月19日 00:00:00
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To make that happen, CPS Health Care and Telewellness UK announced a joint commitment to support an interdisciplinary expert panel, which will rate COVID technologies and reward the best scientists and contributors in this field.
Coronavirus has evolved two separate traits that allow it to spread more easily. Firstly, it infects carriers who don't experience symptoms, who in turn transmit the virus to others. Secondly it mutates, with new strains becoming more dangerous. Vaccines are either less effective or ineffective against some of the new strains.
Everybody with the ability to fight against this disease should act now, whilst scientists remain at the front line of the fight. The company is ready to reward the most active influencers and scientists, through the Lifetime Award Program in which an expert community will rate COVID technologies with the help of a public vote.
In the interest of humanity, the team must take all steps possible to act against the current threat. They are advocating the pooling of resources by experts and influencers, to drive mass adoption of only the most trusted solutions against the disease.
Telewellness UK aims to be a channel for distribution of digital health and other innovative technologies.
About Telewellness &CPS Health Care GmbH
Telewellness is a united global group of influencers and biomedical professionals and they are facilitating a non-profit award program for trusted and innovative COVID technologies.
CPS Health Care GmbH is German company led by a former Ernst &Young partner.
Telewellness UK is a digital health-sharing economy platform, created following the Davos forum in 2020. Telewellness has developed an eco-system for sharing its benefits with members of Healthclub.
Healthclub provides the most innovative and personalized health-span technologies to its subscribers. Its goal is to fund scientific research, to publish the results to its members and to create a freely distributed AI based shield for health and mental wellness.
Lifetime Award goals:
To unite scientists and the public in rating the effectiveness of innovative COVID technologies, they have created the first panel of experts, scientists, social media influencers and thought leaders, and tasked them to rate COVID technologies.
The top scientific breakthrough for 2020 was the understanding of SARS-CoV-2 and how it affects COVID-19 - and then developing multiple vaccines.
Coronavirus separates people, but we should strive to stand united. The most important scientific breakthroughs should be accelerated, and significantly contributing innovators should be rewarded for their efforts.
For reference
Lifetime Award official website: https://www.lifetimeaward.live/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LifetimeTrustnet/
Medium: https://telewellness.medium.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaysExchange
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/telewellness-uk/about/
Media contact
Company: Telewellness Ltd
Contact: Eduard Musinschi
Telephone: +447376116343
Website: http://lifetimeaward.live/
SOURCE: Telewellness Ltd
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com
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