Avance Clinical Announces Expanded eClinical Solutions for Biotech Clinical Trials at BioPharm America
- 2020年09月22日 10:50:00
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Avance Clinical made the announcement at BioPharm America (September 21-24, 2020)
Avance Clinical's biotech clients now have the option to deploy the latest eClinical solutions to maximise the value of study data and deliver real-time visibility on study progress.
Avance Clinical CEO Yvonne Lungershausen said:
"Our Data Management team works with eClinical leaders such as Medrio to offer regulatory compliant and patient centric tools for rapid start-up and continual data flow. These tools improve patient engagement and data collection and allow Sponsors to stay informed at every step with Sponsor visible portals."
The Avance Clinical eClinical services include the following:
- Direct data capture of source data on site
- Forms customised by Avance Clinical Data Management team
- Edit checks built into forms;instant firing of queries once data is entered
- Option for data to be collected off-line and synced when on-line is available
- Fully integrated with Medrio EDC, data visible for Sponsor review instantly
- Remote monitoring and data review on ongoing basis
- Avance Clinical provision of tablets if required
- Electronic consent including patient sign-off and investigator confirmation
- Customisable to include animations, videos and questions as required
- Forms customised by Avance Clinical Data Management team
- Link via email to patient
- Compatible with any device and internet system (smart phones, tablet, laptop, desktop)
- Integrated with Medrio EDC
- Link can be shared with HREC as part of submission package
- Electronic capture of patient reported outcome, including diary data, dosing compliance, questionnaires, VAS/Pain scales
- Forms customised by Avance Clinical Data Management team
- Link via email to patient
- Options for emails and reminders at set times during the day or week
- Timezone adjusted to patient's location
- Compatible with any device and internet system (smart phones, tablet, laptop, desktop)
- Fully integrated with Medrio EDC, data visible for Sponsor review instantly
Glynn Morrish, Avance Clinical Director Biometrics said:
"Direct electronic capture of study information and the complimentary suite of solutions offered by Avance Clinical allows the company and its clients to maximise clinical trial efficiency and flexibility while ensuring data integrity is preserved. Our highly trained and experienced biometrics team are excited to continue to work at the forefront of innovation and technology and provide services that offer stability and robustness to studies being conducted in an ever-changing global environment."
Avance Clinical is an Australian owned Contract Research Organisation that has been providing high-quality clinical research services fit for global regulatory standards to the local and international drug development industry for 20 years.
Considering Australia? Contact us about your next study. https://www.avancecro.com/eclinical-solutions/
About Avance Clinical www.avancecro.com
Australia's Avance Clinical has more than 20-years of experience and is now one of Australia's leading Contract Research Organizations.
Avance Clinical is committed to providing high-quality clinical research services with its highly-experienced team. The collective pool of knowledge and experience at Avance Clinical continually grows through the careful selection of experts who also demonstrate passion in their chosen field.
Avance Clinical offers high-quality services in an established clinical trial ecosystem, that includes world-class Investigators and Sites able to access specialized patient groups.
Other benefits include:
1. The Government R&D grant means up to 43.5% rebate on clinical trial spend
2. eClinical solutions - speed and continuity
3. Site Initiation Visit (SIV) and Study Start achieved in 5 - 6 weeks
4. No IND required for clinical trials
5. Full GMP material is not mandated for Phase I clinical trials
6. Established clinical trial environment with world-class Investigators and sites
7. Established healthy subject databases and specialized patient populations
8. Five independent Phase 1 facilities across Australia including hospital-based units for critical care
9. Major hospitals with world-class infrastructures and dedicated Clinical Trial Units with a long track-record in FDA compliant research
10. Seasonal studies: Northern hemisphere Sponsors can conduct their studies year-round by taking advantage of Australia's counter-flu and allergy seasons
Media Contact:
Chris Thompson
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com
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