1. 学校楽しみだな~ → 思ってたんとちゃう・・・
2. 行ってきます! → ねぇ明日休んでいい?
3. かっこいい男の子いるかなぁ → あー男子ウザ
4. 学校は楽しいところ → ママの嘘つき!
My nieces first day of school was today before and after pic poor thing pic.twitter.com/SG1xbTaWBG
—Gaby Perez (@gabyislame) September 3, 2015
5. ウキウキで記念撮影! → カメラ向けないで
My little cousins before and after of the first day of school pic.twitter.com/9eulRmxKjW
—melanie garza (@watermelanie7) September 3, 2015
6. 友達100人できるかな? → ひぃぃぃいい
Before and after. She tried to be strong. This breaks my heart sisters first day of school. pic.twitter.com/HFoIjOawY3
—Michael (@rbmp2418) August 24, 2015
7. 楽しみ♪ → はぁ・・・
First day of school before and after pic.twitter.com/NRlU2nKYws
—mads (@Madison_Feeley) April 30, 2015
8. 勉強してきます! → (チーン)
Before school/ after school. Ryan's first day! pic.twitter.com/OUgpvGOZfY
—jess (@MuffyDoodle) August 23, 2016
9. 勉強も遊びもがんばる → 遊び要素全然ない
First day attending school:
Before gettin into class VS after being in a class pic.twitter.com/E2dzKjiZBM
—sebby (@hairunnajah) January 5, 2016
10. 早く学校行きたーい → 明日休むために前日から体調悪い演出に勤しむ
My kid's before &after pics of her 1st day of school pretty much sums up life pic.twitter.com/Urw1qJcQqJ
—April Butler (@AprilKaylyn) August 19, 2016