Smart Cybersecurity Summit to Help Companies Build Resilience Beyond the Crisis
- 2020年09月29日 14:09:00
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- JCN Newswire
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The theme of the Smart Cybersecurity Summit will be Singapore's Cybersecurity: Building Resilience Beyond the Crisis.
Dominic Pinfold, Event Manager, said, "The Smart Cybersecurity Summit is a response to the opening up of the Singapore MICE industry to live events, and the Cybersecurity industry having managed one of the most dramatic changes to everyday life in living memory.
"With 2020 witnessing a huge migration to working from home, and an expanded and more complex perimeter for organizations to defend against, the Smart Cybersecurity Summit is launched for IT Security professionals to share their successes and learnings with each other in a safe, live environment."
The Smart Cybersecurity Summit will offer a safe environment for a group of exclusively-invited IT Security professionals to network, and learn from a free-to-attend conference that includes closed door roundtable sessions, open panel discussions and insight from industry visionaries. Conference tracks will focus on topics like Strategy, Architecture &Operational Security;Risk, Management &Governance;Cybersecurity Culture, and more.
The exhibition, limited to 30 leading cybersecurity vendors, will present Singapore's latest and most forward-thinking technology innovators and service providers.
The Smart Cybersecurity Summit has been guided in terms of content format and theme by the honorary Advisory Board comprising of:
- David Siah, APAC VP Southeast Asia and Australasia, Centre for Strategic Cyberspace + International Studies
- Andy Woo, Regional Director &Co-founder, Pacific Tech Pte Ltd
- Magda Chelly, Head, Cyber Advisory, Asia, Marsh Asia
- Dan Tinsley, Global Head of Threat Management, Cyber Defence Operations &Intelligence, Dyson
On the launch of the Summit, Andy Woo, Regional Director &Co-Founder of Pacific Tech said, "Pacific Tech is excited to hear the return of live events for Singapore's IT Security industry. As the region's leading IT Security Value Added Distributor, we are keen to share how organisations are building resilience and being proactive in securing their IT infrastructure."
The Smart Cybersecurity Summit is accepting speaker, and sponsorship applications. Visitor registrations will open in the coming months.
For more information on the Smart Cybersecurity Summit, visit
For media enquiries, kindly contact Nic-cole Chia at
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