1929 Mask launches Antimicrobial Masks to counter Coronavirus
- 2020年03月13日 13:31:00
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1929 Mask produces masks that are water repellent, antimicrobial and reusable with technology that eliminates bacteria and fungus, and allow for odour control, freshness and hygiene. The masks are non-toxic and eco-friendly with a high degree of efficacy and durability, resistant for more than 100 washes with textiles.
The 1929 Mask comprises three layers: the outermost layer is water repellent, the center layer is antimicrobial, and the innermost layer is moisture wicking to maintain user comfortable. Each layer in the mask has undergone rigorous, individual testing. All masks are certified safe and effective, using active ingredients approved by the FDA, EPA and WHO.
"The greatest way to prevent catching coronavirus, as well using a 1929 Branded Mask, is to delay any trips to places with known outbreaks,"says Lee. "You can also wash with your soap;avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, and avoid close contact with those who are sick."
It is common in some countries to observe individuals donning masks in public to protect against pathogens, however those masks help little with a virus. "Those masks are not designed to keep out viral particles and they're not as fitted around the nose and cheeks,"he continued.
Most of the reusable masks are not tested, and are little more than common dust masks used in construction and other industries where airborne particulates are found. Some are using surgical masks, as they are sick with a cold and don't wish to contaminate others. "If you're sick, it's best not to go to public places. That's the time to stay at home,"he said.
Lee advised of five things people should remember:
1. Before putting on a mask, clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
2. Be sure to cover your mouth and nose with a mask.
3. Avoid touching the mask while using it;if you do, clean your hands.
4. Replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp, and do not reuse single-use masks. Brand 1929 Microbial Masks are reusable.
5. To remove the mask: remove it from behind (do not touch the front of mask);discard in a closed bin;clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
1929 Mask Pt Ltd is dedicated to creating innovative, efficient and eco-friendly mask solutions to reduce stress on the supply of face masks in the healthcare system. For more information, visit the company's website at https://1929mask.com, or contact Keenon at info@1929mask.com.
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved. www.jcnnewswire.com
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