Matrixport Announces New Wealth Management Product "Dip Hunter"
- 2020年03月05日 19:50:00
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- JCN Newswire
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Volatility in the cryptocurrency market is a regular occurrence. Traders and investors tend to spend much time analyzing market conditions to determine whether they should buy or not. With Dip Hunter, much of this effort is eliminated through the AIP feature.
Dip Hunter helps investors to acquire Bitcoin (BTC) at a discount. This product carries an investment logic similar to Matrixport's dual-currency investment products, which determines the settlement currency based on the 'linked price'. When the settlement price is higher than the linked price, investors will get a settlement in USDC;otherwise, their investments will be settled in BTC. Dip Hunter operates in a similar fashion: investors can acquire more BTC at lower prices - the only uncertainty is whether the price they acquire Bitcoin at is a discount to the settlement price on expiry, or the strike price.
Users can buy BTC at a price that is lower than the linked price or market price when a product expires. Previously, users could only make BTC purchased at the current market price, but with Dip Hunter, users now have the opportunity to potentially purchase at 5% below the market price. Please see the example as an illustration.
The Dip Hunter helps investors to purchase BTC at a lower price without having to constantly monitor market conditions.
About Matrixport
Founded in February 2019, Matrixport is your gateway to digital economy where you can trade, custody, invest and borrow crypto assets all in one stop. With rich industry resources and leading technology capabilities, Matrixport aims to create the next generation digital financial service platform. Our vision is to enable a more open and equal financial system using blockchain technologies.
Matrixport has launched trading, digital asset custody, and cryptocurrency lending services for clients around the world, with even more innovative product offerings to come. Matrixport is headquartered in Singapore with offices worldwide.
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