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Rimba Raya Floating Clinic Supplying Health Care to the Community along the Seruyan River

JAKARTA, May 3, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - The Rimba Raya Floating Clinic was introduced into the project area as a means to improve community access to health services in and around the Rimba Raya working area which is located along the Seruyan River. In cooperation with the Seruyan District Health Office, the Rimba Raya Floating Clinic has delivered health services three times in 2020 (Jan, Aug, Nov) and once already in 2021 (March).

During these trips, several healthcare services are provided including general medical check-ups which help determine the health of local people by recording their weight, height, blood pressure and temperature. A general wellness check is also done. Additionally, pregnant women are examined to ensure that the pregnancy is advancing normally and that the mother to be is in good health. Children are also examined to monitor their growth and physical development. Other community members are examined for health problems such as myalgia, hypertension, cholesterol, URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), gastritis, eating disorders, skin infections and allergies.

Medical personnel who provide these services on each floating clinic trip include a doctor, midwives and nurses who are normally based in Puskesmas Kuala Pembuang 1 and Kuala Pembuang 2.

Dr. Ristya Aulia, a member of the Floating Clinic medical team said;"Thank you Rimba Raya for introducing this initiative that provides much needed additional health services to the villages along the Seruyan river. It is my hope that the facilities and infrastructure will improve over time and that the floating clinic will continue to provide this service and that trips into the project area will happen more frequently."

An elderly woman, Mrs. Irus from Cempaka Baru Village said, "I am very happy with the services provided by the Rimba Raya Floating Clinic, especially because the doctor was able to visit me at my house. I live in a remote village it makes me feel better to know that I can receive treatment in my own home. I live alone and I can't afford to pay for health care if I have to go outside the village."

The last two trips conducted by the floating clinic took place from 10-12 November 2020 and 22-24 March 2020. There were 10 locations targeted which included 8 villages and 2 hamlets, namely;Pematang Limau, Tanjung Rangas, Muara Dua (Tampudau and Belanti Hamlet), Jahitan, Baung (west and east), Cempaka Baru, Palingkau and Ulak Batu. A total of 706 patients received health care where 60.91% (or 430 patients) were female.

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve Floating Clinic is equipped to supply 86 types of medicines. Vitamins are also supplied, particularly to children, pregnant women and the elderly.

Reportedly, during these health outreach trips, 12 common health problems were diagnosed with the top three being hypertension (24.08%), myalgia (a chronic muscle disorder) - 21.67%, and URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) - 17%.

Based on the data collected during these trips, it is also known that older people are the most susceptible to various illnesses and therefore, in this region, people aged 50 and older are the most vulnerable. 42.78% or 302 patients who received treatment, fell into this category.

"Rimba Raya Floating Clinic is vital to villagers who require health services, particularly because some areas in the Seruyan are difficult to reach and as a result, there is a severe lack of regular health care. I would like to see an increase in the frequency of these health service trips,"said Anggi Mulyawan, Staff of TNTP SPTN II Kuala Pembuang.

Head of Seruyan District Health Office, Mahdiniansyah added, "Because there has been limited availability of regional government funding, the field health program introduced by Rimba Raya has been very well received by all community members. A good example of how Rimba Raya has positively impacted this area is when they helped supply medicines to people who were victims of the major flooding that occurred in the Seruyan District in 2020.

Additionally, waterborne diseases have been reduced after Rimba Raya introduced initiatives that supply clean drinking water to villagers through the provision of individual water filters and newly constructed water purifying systems. The Head of Seruyan District expressed his gratitude for the assistance of PT. Rimba Raya Conservation in providing free health services to 10 villages and hamlets in the Seruyan District."

"Rimba Raya hopes to have better cooperation and support from all parties involved in this effort to improve health services in the region. Access to basic health care services is as a fundamental human right and the needs of all community members should be adequately met,"said Sylviana Andhella, Executive Director of Rimba Raya Conservation.

Rimba Raya Duty
"By protecting forests, we protect all the life in them and contribute to balancing the global climate. We empower communities to be involved in protecting peat swamp forests. Together we love the earth so that its sustainability is maintained."- Djonni Andhella, President Director of Rimba Raya Conservation.

Abou Rimba Raya
The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve, an InfiniteEARTH Project, is one of the largest REDD+ projects in the world, protecting nearly 65,000 hectares of peat swamp forest in Central Kalimantan, the world's first REDD+ project verified under the Verra Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SDVista) and achieved the highest rating possible, contributing to all 17 United Nations'Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while retaining the coveted Triple Gold status under the global Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standard in the voluntary carbon market. It is a living example of an economically viable alternative to deforestation. Visit

The project has reduced Indonesia's emissions by preserving tropical peat swamp forest, avoiding large-scale deforestation, drainage and conversion to palm oil plantations. Bordering the eastern boundary of the Tanjung Puting National Park in the Seruyan River watershed, the Rimba Raya project is rich in biodiversity with over 100 threatened and endangered species, including the endangered Bornean orangutan. Visit

Rimba Raya Conservation as the field implementer, empowers the community to be involved in maintaining and preserving peat swamp forest ecosystems with the following approach: Empowered Communities, Healthy Forests, Maintained Climate, and supporting the achievement of the SDG targets in the assisted villages of the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve.

Health Protocol
This activity was carried out with reference to the WHOs COVID-19 Health Protocols.

Frita Junita
Communication Officer - Rimba Raya Conservation
H: +62 857-1743-7001

Rimba Raya MedSos:

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