Ni Hsin to Expand Energy Coffee Business through Partnership with O&G Cooperative
- 2021年04月07日 19:00:00
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The partnership will see BlackBixon retailing its drinks at various onshore and offshore O&G locations owned by members of KTP. This agreement will not only benefit BlackBixon through having more locations to distribute the energy coffee drink, but also benefits members of the cooperative, who will have another source of income through their participation in the BlackBixon business.
Present at today's signing ceremony were the Guest of Honour, Encik Yazid Jaafar, President/Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation;Encik Sofiyan Yahya, Chairman of KTP and Mr. Khoo Chee Kong, Managing Director of BlackBixon.
Khoo said, "KTP is a cooperative established by professionals from the energy sector in 2019. One of KTP's main mission is to enhance the economic and social well-being of its members through investment and entrepreneurial activities. BlackBixon's business model fits in nicely, promoting small scale business which the members of KTP can participate."
"As BlackBixon's Brand Partner, KTP offers extensive networking and marketplace, primarily among the oil &gas and energy sectors. KTP also has an online business platform called edagang. We are optimistic this growing online business platform will further enhance the visibility of and offer business opportunities for BlackBixon. We view this Brand Partnership Agreement between KTP and BlackBixon as synergistic for both parties. Together, we are POWERING THE ENERGY PEOPLE!"he added.
BlackBixon represents the first venture by Ni Hsin into the F&B industry, with other plans in the pipeline to grow the business regionally given the heightened interest in energy drinks combined with the coffee-drinking culture of today.
Blackbixon recently appointed Red One Network Sdn Bhd, a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO), to market and retail BlackBixon coffee to its 1.2 million subscribers.
Subsequently, Ni Hsin also filed for a patent for BlackBixon's invention, which includes the composition for boosting energy level, anti-fatigue and boosting mental alertness as well as use of the composition thereof, to protect the Company's rights and to secure competitive advantage for its F&B business in selling products using the invention.
BlackBixon Energy Coffee is a composition providing the benefits of caffeine and ribose in combination when consumed. The drink accentuates the human body's natural process of energy synthesis while at the same time lessening fatigue and boosting the mental alertness of an individual.
Please contact the below for more information:
Hakim Juraimi
Tel: +60 12-318 5410
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