■Abstract: With commercial suborbital flights and all-civilian space flights to orbit, space flight has finally transi- tioned from being only available to professional astronauts to becoming a service for all. The view of the blue Earth from space may have a life-changing impact on many space tourists, and this experience will be memorialised in their minds. The experience may also be used for a wide variety of purposes. This requires various space-related services to support space tourists, which are just as important as spacecraft built with the most advanced technologies. The world’s current major space exploration projects seem to be targeting the development of hardware such as rockets, spacecraft, space stations, and rovers, with few projects focusing on the development of services using the hardware. There is a strong demand for the development of space-related services. One of the services is a specialised video editing service for space travel. This paper will discuss the possibilities of video editing services for space travel, which can produce unique images and videos closely tied to each space traveller’s experience. These will align with what space travellers want to record, unlike the standardised images taken by spacecraft development compa- nies with their onboard cameras. The images will bring significant value to space tourists as long-lasting personal memorials and a way to demonstrate their experiences in space or as video advertisements for commercial use.
【国際宇宙会議(IAC)とは】 国際宇宙航行連盟(IAF)が主催し、年に1度、開催される、宇宙業界では世界最大の国際会議です。 2021年は、10月25日から29日の5日間の会期でモハメド・ビン・ラシッド宇宙センター(MBRSC)がホストを務め、アラブ首長国のドバイで開催されました。110カ国から5,000人以上の参加者が集まり、「Inspire, Innovate and Discover for the Benefit of Humankind(人類の利益のためのインスピレーション、革新、発見)」というテーマのもと多数のプレナリー、テクニカルセッション、スペシャルセッション、IAF GNFパネル、そして90社以上が出展する展示会が行われました。ASTRAXはその国際宇宙会議において、グループメンバーとの共同で23本の国際論文を発表しました。
今年は、2022年9月18日から22日までフランスのパリで、フランス国立宇宙研究センター(CNES)がホストを務め、「Space for @ll」をテーマに、第73回国際宇宙会議(IAC 2022)が開催される予定です。