
幅広い市場を対象としている調査会社マーケッツアンドマーケッツ(MarketsandMarkets)の調査レポート「双方向(対話型)音声応答システム市場:技術毎(タッチトーン、会話)、クラウド・オンプレミス毎、産業毎(銀行金融サービス保険、医薬、ITアウトソーシング)、企業規模毎、ソリューション毎、サービス毎、地域毎 - 2023年までの世界市場予測」は、双方向(対話型)音声応答システム市場は予測期間中に年平均成長率(CAGR)6.83%で成長し、2017年の37億3000万ドルから2023年には55億4000万ドルに達するだろうと報告している。双方向音声応答(IVR)市場は、IVRシステムの産業基準にみあう高度な技術統合やクラウドベースのサービスの増加によって成長している。


Interactive Voice Response Market worth 5.54 Billion USD by 2023

September 1, 2017
The report "Interactive Voice Response Market by Technology (Touch-Tone and Speech), Deployment (Cloud and on Premise), Vertical (BFSI, Pharma and Healthcare, ITES), Organization Size, Solution, Service, And Geography - Global Forecast to 2023", The interactive voice response (IVR) market was valued at USD 3.73 Billion in 2017 and is expected to reach USD 5.54 Billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 6.83% during the forecast period. The growth of the interactive voice response (IVR) market is attributed the increasing integration of advanced technologies and rise in cloud-based services that meet the industry standards for the IVR systems.

Increasing integration of advanced technologies to drive the growth of interactive voice response market

Natural language processing (NLP) is one of the leading technology that has been gaining increased adoption in the past decade of the progression of the interactive voice response (IVR) industry. NLP technology is used to analyze spoken natural language, and the IVRs supporting NLP are able to generate natural language response. This has helped in developing conversational systems. Using NLP technology, the IVR solutions have been designed to be smarter. On the other hand, IVR analytics plays an essential role in fueling the market growth, as it helps the companies to achieve customer satisfaction by capturing, tracking, and evaluating the entire call experience. IVR analytics solutions address issues such as root cause of common drop-off points and misunderstood menus and prompts, as well as customer reticence in using IVR systems. Once the issues are understood, an organization can make enhancements to its IVR solution, thereby making it easier for customers to use the self-service solution.


■ 調査レポート ■

双方向(対話型)音声応答システム市場:技術毎(タッチトーン、会話)、クラウド・オンプレミス毎、産業毎(銀行金融サービス保険、医薬、ITアウトソーシング)、企業規模毎、ソリューション毎、サービス毎、地域毎 - 2023年までの世界市場予測
Interactive Voice Response Market by Technology (Touch-Tone and Speech), Deployment (Cloud and on Premise), Vertical (BFSI, Pharma and Healthcare, ITES), Organization Size, Solution, Service, And Geography - Global Forecast to 2023




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情報提供元: Dream News