On June 13, 2023, YOSHIN-KAN (Karate-do, Kickboxing, Aikijujutsu) will hold a karate trial event in front of Nakano Station, Nakano-ku, Tokyo! We will hold a trial karate session to train your mind and body not to give in to bullies.
【画像 https://www.dreamnews.jp/?action_Image=1&p=0000282079&id=bodyimage1】
Bullying is a serious problem for children and young people. However, we can learn the power to live strongly and not give in to bullying. In order to cultivate this strength, Yoshin-kan will hold a "Karate Training Experience"to train the mind and body not to give in to bullying. KARATE-DO involves striking, kicking, and defending, which may seem scary at first. However, we would like to hold a trial session with the motto of fun rather than fear.
【画像 https://www.dreamnews.jp/?action_Image=1&p=0000282079&id=bodyimage2】
The trial session is a step toward training the mind and body not to give in to bullying. To keep each one of us doing the same thing and improving ourselves. To improve our ability to communicate with our peers. To have self-confidence is to have the ability to conquer opponents not only through martial arts but also through human power. KARATE-DO is not only a matter for children. The same challenges exist for adults as well. In YOSHIN-KAN KARATE-DO, everyone from infants to adults participates, practicing the same exercises in the same space that transcends generations. And after practice and after the camp is over, there is an opportunity to deepen communication with fellow students. Through this, we make ourselves grow with the power to be competitive.
【画像 https://www.dreamnews.jp/?action_Image=1&p=0000282079&id=bodyimage3】
The confidence that each of us gains by continuing to do things, the confidence that is cultivated through our relationships with our peers and teachers, and the confidence that is nurtured through martial arts. By equipping ourselves with these qualities, we can develop the courage and strength to stand up to bullying. They will be free from the word "bullying"and will rather have a mood-maker's approach to things.
YOSHIN-KAN KARATE-DO is more than just a martial art. It is a place to develop self-confidence and ambition. From young children to adults, they learn and grow together in one dojo. The self-confidence gained through continuous practice will give you the strength to protect yourself from bullying. It is also a place where students can build bonds with their peers and teachers to support and encourage each other.
You distance themselves from, or become immune to, the negative word bullying, and build a confident attitude toward life. That is what YOSHIN-KAN KARATE-DO is all about. By participating, you will develop the courage and strength to stand up to bullies, or rather be a mood-maker, bringing cheer and hope to those around you.
At YOSHIN-KAN KARTAE-DO, we are a dojo where you can develop your confidence and strength. We invite you to experience it for yourself. We sincerely look forward to your participation.
【画像 https://www.dreamnews.jp/?action_Image=1&p=0000282079&id=bodyimage4】
場所:揚心館 中野駅前道場(住所)東京都中野区中野3-39-2 NOAH STUDIO NAKANO
《Place, Date &Time》
Place:YOSHIN-KAN NAKANO STATION Dojo (address)NOAH STUDIO NAKANO, 3-39-2, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Target: Kindergarten students, elementary school students, junior high school students, high school students, fathers and mothers (beginners are welcome)
Participation fee: Free of charge
TEL 050-6868-9645