The fact that my nephew told his teacher his Mom is on parole.She’s on patrol, serving in the National Guard.Patrol.—Caila C (@Cai_Lyfe) September 27, 2022
きっかけとなったのが「甥っ子がお母さんは仮釈放中(on parole)と先生に言ったのは事実。実際は州兵として哨戒中(on patrol)なのよ」というツイートです。“parole”と“patrol”はスペルだけでなく発音も似ているので間違いやすいのは確かです。
My kid once told his teacher I "give kids drugs". I'm an Anesthesiologist. —Angela DoctorNeu 2 (@DoctorNeu2) September 28, 2022
My older brother was asked in elementary school what his father's job was. My brother said he didn't know but he went to jail a lot.My father was an attorney.—Lorraine Hirsch (@LorraineHirsch) September 28, 2022
So cute. Mine told his teacher I was a paraplegic, I'm a paralegal, she was shocked when I walked in.—Laura (@MotherOfLions3) September 28, 2022
My niece publicly told a visiting police officer in her class that her mom was addicted to cocaine (my sister –her mom –was standing in the back of the room as a classroom volunteer). She meant Caffeine! —Marlene Santin (@MARLENESANTIN1) September 28, 2022
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(執筆者: 6PAC)