Rational Dynamic Brands Fund (HSUTX) Awarded 5-star Morningstar Rating
- 2021年04月14日 08:00:00
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Accuvest also proudly announces that as of February 28, 2021, the Rational Dynamic Brands mutual fund (Ticker: HSUTX), was awarded a 5-star Morningstar Rating, as well as an Investors Choice for "Best Equity Fund < $100M in Assets"Award. Accuvest serves as the sub-advisor to the Rational Dynamic Brands mutual fund.
The Dynamic Brands strategy is anchored to a timeless and commonsense theme: Global Household Consumption. Accuvest believes that this $44 trillion a year investment opportunity is so large and predictable that it warrants a dedicated place in a portfolio. By investing in the most relevant consumer-facing brands and giving the maximum flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions it has been able to deliver significant outperformance for its clients.
"Accuvest is thrilled to receive a 5-star Morningstar rating,"said David Garff, President and CIO of Accuvest. "Since Accuvest took over the Dynamic Brands fund in October 2017, its team has worked tirelessly to deliver something unique in the marketplace. Combining the proprietary Brand Relevancy scoring system with deep sector and factor analysis, Accuvest has been able to achieve excellent results for its investors. As Accuvest moves forward we feel that it will be critical to continue being precise in exposure, but flexible in risk-taking."
The Alpha Brands(TM) suite of equity strategies references a proprietary Index called The Alpha Brands Consumer Spending Index(TM). The Index tracks the 200 most relevant Brands, identifying the growth and innovation leaders across 70 consumer-facing industries. Alpha Brands 'Dynamic Brands Equity'strategy is an actively managed and focused portfolio of the brands best suited for the current macro environment.
"Investors are chronically underweight in the single most important driver of every major economy namely consumption. In the consumption economy, companies that own strong brands tend to have better financial metrics which, in aggregate, tend to be predictors of strong stock performance,"said Eric Clark, Portfolio Manager. "Our ambitious goal is to outperform the market over rolling 3-year periods on an absolute and risk-adjusted basis by monitoring the macro environment and anchoring our portfolio to companies that own strong brands."
About Accuvest Global Advisors
Accuvest Global Advisors, with a U.S. and international client base of institutions, financial advisors and high net worth investors, carefully navigates complex global capital markets. An SEC-registered advisor, Accuvest offers a wide range of investment solutions through an innovative, global investment philosophy. Discretionary portfolios include the global equity Country First(TM) ETF suite of products, the equity portfolio Alpha Brands(TM) suite of products, and ETF and mutual fund Custom Models designed for you.
For more information please visit: Accuvest.com or Globalbrandsmatter.com.
For media, please contact: Accuvest Global Advisors, marketing@accuvest.com.
Or visit LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/accuvest-global-advisors/
Accuvest Global Advisors - Alpha Brands, at Morningstar: www.morningstar.com/funds/xnas/hsutx/quote
SOURCE: Accuvest Global Advisors
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