S.A.M. Trade (Asia) Pte Ltd commences trading in the U.S. on the OTC Markets
- 2021年04月13日 13:00:00
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Sam Goh, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Samtrade FX, commented: "This strategic milestone brings us one step closer to realising our vision of becoming a front runner in the global financial services industry by 2025. Being publicly traded on the OTC markets helps to advance Samtrade FX's visibility and brand equity, as well as allowing investors to be a part of our growth journey."
The Group has made great strides in the past few years, with Samtrade FX securing several awards including "Best Trading Platform, Asia", "Best Forex Introducing Broker, Asia"and "Best FOREX ECN/STP Broker"at The London Trader Show 2020. This serves as a testament of its strong reputation, credibility, and recognition by the industry's top experts, as well as retail traders from around the world.
As part of elevating its brand awareness globally, Samtrade FX had also inked sponsorship agreements in 2020 with the English Premier League team, Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club and English Football League Championship team, Cardiff City Football Club.
About Samtrade FX
Samtrade FX is an online trading broker that provides forex trading and other related services, with more than 100,000 clients. It was founded with the objective of providing traders with safe, easy, and low-cost access to foreign exchange markets. Samtrade FX's founders and partners are all traders themselves and have extensive trading experience in forex and contract for differences trading. Its Advisory Board includes knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are able to provide clients with unrivalled professional advice. www.samtradefx.com
About OTC Markets
Regulated by FINRA and the SEC in the U.S., the OTC Markets Group facilitates the trading of equity securities, corporate bonds, government securities, and certain derivative products. The OTC markets platform currently hosts trading by over 80 established broker-dealers and institutions for about 11,000 U.S. and global securities. Prominent companies like Tencent Holdings Ltd, AIA Group Ltd., Nestle S.A., and Volkswagen AG are also traded on the OTC markets platform, along with other companies in the financial services, metals &mining, oil &gas, pharmaceuticals &biotechnology, healthcare, telecommunications, technology, retail, media, and utilities industries.
Media Contact
Heidi Chan
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