Verofax Asia and AURI to launch Sustainable Traceability App powered by AntChain
- 2020年12月09日 14:50:00
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Young ASEAN shoppers'preferences are shifting towards brands that adopt values such as sustainability, environmentally friendly and community engagement. Recent surveys show that over 70% of consumers are willing to pay a significant premium for brands that adhere to such standards[1]. AURI and Verofax share these core values and have teamed up to provide consumers with a seamless application to validate brand claims and increase direct engagement.
Through its webstore (, the AURI community is offered a wide selection of ethically sourced products aligned with the brand's sustainable business practices. AURI also empowers the community to become brand ambassadors, offering them attractive rewards programs in the pipeline. Participating brands and suppliers will stand to benefit from greater trust and confidence when selling on AURI's lifestyle online store and be able to validate claims using the Verofax App, powered by AntChain Traceability as a Service (TaaS).
Verofax App will enable all suppliers selling on AURI to serialize each item, upload supporting sustainability and environmental certificates and enable consumers to validate their claims recorded onto Antchain's immutable blockchain ledger. In addition, Verofax App will allow apparel, garment and lifestyle product suppliers to indulge users with relevant content and empower them to validate claims on ethical sourcing, environmental impact and community support programs.
Suppliers validated on Verofax App can then access global markets and meet compliance regulations such as 'PRC eCommerce Law'and other consumer protection laws.
Capt. Koh Chen Tien, Executive Chairman of Verofax Asia, commented, "We are thrilled to partner with AURI in launching the first lifestyle-focused Traceability platform in ASEAN. Traceability plays a key role in meeting changing shopper needs, advanced product marketing and access to global markets[2]. Fashion and lifestyle brand owners are set to benefit from increase in sales and reduction in negative reviews/returns. Verofax offers enterprises complete privacy and control over sharing their data, automation of operations and reducing operational cost."
Kristy Yong, Executive Director of AURI commented, "We have recently launched AURI, a size inclusive people-powered community with a mission to provide accessible life-enriching experiences for all things from fashion to wellness. The recent pandemic has clearly demonstrated that we are all responsible for each other and the community. As such, we are working towards connecting the industry to deliver stronger impact."
Wassim Merheby, CEO Verofax Limited, added, "Trust in sustainable brands, is top of mind for young shoppers and will transform the way brands succeed. Sustainable asset tracing will accelerate ASEAN suppliers growth and create opportunities through access to global markets[3]."
Please visit AURI at, or contact for more details.
For technical matters, visit Verofax at, or contact
Verofax is an AntChain Alliance Partner:
About AURI
AURI [aw-ree] is a community-powered brand with a mission to provide life-enriching experiences from all things clothing to well-being. Beyond just fashion, AURI provides an eclectic yet relevant array of lifestyle products through its omnichannel retail distribution network.
About Verofax
Verofax is a blockchain-enabled traceability and Asset Digitization service provider with presence in Asia, Middle East and Europe.
[1] IBV research, changing consumer preferences, 2020
[2] Lux research, 2020
[3] PWC report, Time for Trust, Oct 2020
Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved.
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