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やさしい英語で海外ニュースを楽しめる『Time for Kids』で英語リーディングをする方法


そんな人におすすめなのが、英語ネイティブの子供向け版『TIME for Kids』です。英語学習者にとっては、レベルがちょうどよくて使いやすいんです。

初中級の英語リーディング教材として優れた『TIME for Kids』


TIME for Kidsは、文字通り(ネイティブの)子供向けに書かれたTIME誌のことです。主にアメリカで言えば、幼児〜小学校6年生までレベルごとに分かれています。


TIME本誌とTIME for Kidsのレベルを比較してみた


TIME本誌の記事『FBI Fires Back at Apple: ‘We Don’t Want To Break Anyone’s Encryption’』

The war of words between Apple Inc. and the government continued Sunday as FBI Director James Comey said forcing Apple to help unlock the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters is no big deal.

“We don’t want to break anyone’s encryption or set a master key loose on the land,”Comey said in a statement Sunday night, insisting that vital decisions involving safety from terrorists shouldn’t be left in the hands of “corporations that sell stuff for a living.”

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FBI director to Apple: We don’t want to break your encryption 1:33

A federal judge last week ordered Apple to help investigators gain access to encrypted data on the iPhone 5c used by Syed Rizwan Farook, who with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, on Dec. 2.

TIME for Kidsの記事『Apple Battles the FBI』

Apple CEO Tim Cook sent out an e-mail this morning thanking employees for their support in the company’s ongoing battle against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

On February 16, a U.S. federal court ordered Apple to help the Obama administration hack into an iPhone. In this case, the iPhone belonged to one of the shooters who killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, in December. The F.B.I. wants to search the phone to find out if the shooters planned the attack directly with the terrorist group known as the Islamic State, sometimes called ISIS.

The ruling by magistrate Sheri Pym requires Apple to build a new operating system that will enable the F.B.I. to unlock the iPhone, which is protected by an encrypted password. The new system would bypass a security feature that erases data after too many unsuccessful unlocking attempts. Apple has protested the ruling, saying it will open the door to future requests from the government, and will endanger iPhone users’ privacy. Cook says Apple is not backing down.

“It does not feel right to be on the opposite side of the government in a case centering on the freedoms and liberties that government is meant to protect,”Cook wrote in an e-mail to his employees. But, he said, “this case is about much more than a single phone or a single investigation, so when we received the government’s order we knew we had to speak out.”


どうですか?TIME for Kidsの方がずっと読みやすいですね。とはいえ、簡単だから勉強にならない!というわけではなく、特にTOEICなど簡単〜ふつうレベルの英文をしっかり読みこなすタイプの試験では、こういった英文をスピーディに読む練習が高スコアを取るためには欠かせません。


TIME本誌とTIME for Kidsは、できればどちらもブックマークしておいて、同じトピックについての記事を読み比べてみるのがおすすめです。やり方としては、

  1. まずTIME for Kidsで読む

  2. 次にTIME本誌で読む

  3. 最後にTIME for Kidsに戻って分からなかった箇所をチェックする



これまで難しい英文ばっかりで挫折しそうな人は、TIME for Kidsをぜひ試してみてはどうでしょうか?

TIME for Kids



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