Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
2023/07/18 ... Sustainable Development Goals Tracker for SDG 13.
https://ourworldindata.org/sdgs/climate-actionSDG 13: Climate action - PEFC International
The PEFC label allows everyone to contribute to tackling climate change and help solve the climate crisis simply by choosing forest-based products from ...
https://pefc.org/what-we-do/sustainable-development-goals/sdg-13-climate-actionClimate change chronicles: progress on UN SDG 13 - Pawprint Eco
Goal number 13 of the UN SDGs is: Climate Action. This goal is dedicated towards addressing and combating climate change to reduce its impact on the world.
https://www.pawprint.eco/eco-blog/climate-change-chronicles-progress-on-un-sdg-13SDG 13 and interlinkages with other SDGs – Climate action
2024/07/10 ... Climate action underpins and is the cornerstone for achieving our ambitious sustainable development goals and targets.
https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/statements/sdg-13-and-interlinkages-other-sdgs-climate...SDG 13: Climate Action - York University
Goal 13 is about invoking climate action through education, innovation and adherence to climate commitments, to make the necessary changes to protect the planet ...
https://www.yorku.ca/unsdgs/climate-action/SDG 13 – Climate Action - Tourism for SDGs
Tourism stakeholders should play a leading role in the global response to climate change. By reducing its carbon footprint, in the transport and accommodation ...
https://tourism4sdgs.org/sdg-13-climate-action/Sustainable Development Goal 13 Progress, Ireland
... SDGs - Goal 13 Climate Action 2021". Check out the infographic below then click it to read the full report. Ireland's Greenhouse Gas emissions were 4.7 ...
https://irelandsdg.geohive.ie/pages/goal13SDG 13 - Climate Action - Bright Funds Foundation Fund
The Climate Reality Project rains thousands of new activists each year to effectively advocate for the climate, and to oppose barriers to renewable energy. We ...
https://www.brightfunds.org/foundation_funds/sdg-13?_ga=2.161555135.2023488539.1621874695-75...SDG 13: Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate Change and Its ...
Although combating climate change is critical to achieving the SDGs and vice versa, SDG 13 itself is of relatively little consequence.
https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/cambridge-handbook-of-the-sustainable-development-goals...Goal 13: Climate Action - United Nations Sustainable Development ...
A selection of scholarly databases, data sources, programs, news, and targeted information resources to investigate the overall SDG framework.