Closely - meaning &definition in Lingvanex Dictionary
1. In a close manner;with little distance;narrowly. Example: She observed the experiment closely to note any changes. 2 ... of "Closely"in a Sentence |
Closely Sentence Examples ... Dean spent the remainder of the workday sorting reports and more closely reviewing the Byrne papers. 608. 146. He didn't expect a ... related Definition | Law Insider
Closely related means parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, first cousins, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, present or former ... this sentence, can I use the closer instead of the more closely ... - Quora
2023/11/12 ... “More closely” just sounds better. It also suggests that you're being very meticulous about following the path, where plain old “closer” seems less precise. Guidebook for Closely Held Corporations
2023/06/16 ... The Guidebook provides a concise, practical overview of important legal principles that govern directors, officers, and shareholders of closely held ... guarded clarification - The Official Forum
2007/12/25 ... A closely guarded count continues when there are players between the guard and the player with the ball, even in the most extreme of circumstances. story of looking closely - Interaction Imagination
2018/04/09 ... Looking closely means slowing down... if we are always in a hurry that we will miss the details, miss the beauty, that is hidden before our very eyes., SARS and MERS: are they closely related? - PubMed
Although related to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), COVID-19 shows some peculiar pathogenetic, ... you watching closely? - Friends of Words
2022/03/08 ... The guy is cheeky enough to challenge his crowd into watching him closely, daring them to expose the flaw in his tricks. — Closely Crafted
Closely Crafted was founded by milliner and accessory designer Gigi Burris O'Hara in 2022. Burris O'Hara established the non-profit organization during the ...