classify A into Bの意味・使い方 - 英辞郎 - アルク
classify A into B ... 単語帳への登録は「英辞郎 on the WEB Pro」でご利用ください。 20,000件まで登録できます。 is the difference among expressions of "classify something as"
2020/04/29 ...Classifying something into A and B is atypical usage. One could idiomatically classify something into groups, or categories, but not into ... | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
6 日前 ...classify sb/sth into sth We've classified total expenditure into two major categories, (a) Current expenditure (b) Development expenditure. into or classify as | WordReference Forums
2020/05/01 ... a) Classify the following animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. b) Classify the following animals as vertebrates or invertebrates."classify as"or "classify into"? -
Supervisors Supervisors and foremen/women have generally been classified in skill level B. General contractors in construction are classified in unit group 0711 ... is the difference between'be categorized as'and 'be ... - Quora
2023/07/13 ... But quite often we can't really do that, and whenever we categorize something into something, it's a subjective, tangled process, open for ... into monomials, binomials and trinomials: (i) 4y – 7x (ii) y^2 (iii ...
Classify into monomials, binomials and trinomials: (i) 4y – 7x (ii) y^2 (iii) x + y – xy (iv) 100 (v) ab – a – b (vi) 5 – 3t (vii) 4p^2q – 4pq^2 (viii) 7mn ...[classify] (a|{1,2}) intoを含む英語表現 - 英辞郎 - アルク
classify A into B AをBに分類[格付け]する - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。とclassifyAintoBの違いを教えてください。... - Yahoo!知恵袋
2023/08/12 ...classify A as B「AをBとして分類する」 classify A into B 「AをBに分類する」 とりあえず単語通りに訳しておきましょう。[FREE] A teacher asked students to classify numbers A and B below. A ...
2020/12/11 ... The question asks to classify two numbers, A: 0.28316049... and B:28, into categories such as real numbers, rational numbers, and irrational ...