Use of the concordance index for predictors of censored survival data
Use of the concordance index for predictors of censored survival data ;Pagination. 2359 - 2373 ;DOI. 10.1177/0962280216680245 ;Journal. STATISTICAL METHODS IN ... Definition, Examples, Weighting and Significance
The C-statistic (sometimes called the “concordance” statistic or C-index) is a measure of goodness of fit for binary outcomes in a logistic regression model. Curves and the C statistic - Medical College of Wisconsin
The area under the ROC curve is equivalent to another statistic commonly used to summarize model discrimination, the C statistic or Concordance statistic. The C ... or index? - anzsi
Concordances violate one of the basic principles of correct indexing: index the concept, not the word. A 'simple'concordance is actually an index of stark ... measure for a deeper understanding of survival prediction models
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "The Concordance Index decomposition: a measure for a deeper understanding of survival prediction models"by Abdallah ... Concordance Index Decomposition - A Measure for a ...
2022/02/02 ... The Concordance Index (C-index) is a commonly used metric in Survival Analysis to evaluate how good a prediction model is. Concordance Index - RDocumentation
Compute concordance index (C-index or C-statistic) that allows weights for right-censored survival data. For example, Asano and Hirakawa (2017) proposed ... Survival Models - Sebastian Pölsterl
2019/05/04 ... The most frequently used evaluation metric of survival models is the concordance index (c index, c statistic). It is a measure of rank correlation. is the concordance index (c-index)? - statistics - Stack Overflow
2019/01/27 ... numbers;concatenation;sql-update;qml;snowflake-cloud-data-platform;windows-10;mapreduce;set;ionic2;smtp;tuples;rotation;modal-dialog Index problem in Word - Microsoft Community
2024/07/16 ... I'm creating a fairly large index for a 250 page word document using a concordance file and auto mark. When I insert the index (or it is ...