classify someone/something as something - Cambridge Dictionary
Meaning of classify someone/something as something in English ... to put someone or something into a group according to their type, or to say which group or type ... Definition &Meaning - Merriam-Webster
2025/02/27 ... 1. to arrange in classes (see class entry 1 sense 3) classifying books according to subject matter 2. to consider (someone or something) as belonging to a ... is the difference between 'be classed as'and 'be classified as'?
2013/11/11 ... They're synonyms. But the use of "class"as a verb is relatively rare;I'd suggest preferring "classify". | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Meaning of classify in English ... to divide things or people into groups according to their type, or to say which group or type something or someone belongs to:."classify as"or "classify into"? -
"classify as"or "classify into"? Word Frequency In Top 1000 words In 38% of cases classify as is used In 18% of cases classify into is used In 13% of cases ... Definition &Meaning -
4 日前 ... to arrange or organize by classes;order according to class. Synonyms: group, categorize, rate, rank, class Definition &Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
1. to arrange (people or things) into groups based on ways that they are alike Students will be learning about the ways scientists classify animals. "Classified in"or "Classified as"- Cross Validated
2016/06/30 ... "Classified in"doesn't seem very idiomatic to me, but "classified into"does: "This individual is classified into the same group as that individual." definition in American English - Collins Dictionary
1. to arrange or group in classes according to some system or principle 2. to place in a class or category 3. to designate (governmental documents, reports, ... Synonyms &Antonyms for CLASSIFY -
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