2023年6月15日、東京 - メイヤー・ブラウン(以下「当事務所」)は本日、小林英二氏(以下「小林氏」)が当事務所の企業・証券部門に加入したことを発表します。小林氏は、日本の産業を牽引する大手企業の代理人として複雑なクロスボーダーM&Aに20年以上携わった経験を持ち、ポールヘイスティングスとノートン・ローズ・フルブライトで企業部門責任者も務めていました。
当事務所の東京オフィス マネージング・パートナーであるルパート・バロウズは、「小林氏を東京オフィスに迎えることができ大変嬉しく思っています。小林氏の有する取引や調整、調査に関する経験、業界知識、重要なアウトバウンド型のグローバル市場に関する知見は、当事務所の日本の顧客基盤を強化することに繋がるでしょう」と述べています。
Mayer Brown is a distinctively global law firm, uniquely positioned to advise the world’s leading companies and financial institutions on their most complex deals and disputes. With extensive reach across four continents, we are the only integrated law firm in the world with approximately 200 lawyers in each of the world’s three largest financial centers—New York, London and Hong Kong—the backbone of the global economy. We have deep experience in high-stakes litigation and complex transactions across industry sectors, including our signature strength, the global financial services industry. Our diverse teams of lawyers are recognized by our clients as strategic partners with deep commercial instincts and a commitment to creatively anticipating their needs and delivering excellence in everything we do. Our “one-firm” culture—seamless and integrated across all practices and regions—ensures that our clients receive the best of our knowledge and experience.
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Mayer Brown is a global services provider comprising associated legal practices that are separate entities, including Mayer Brown LLP (Illinois, USA), Mayer Brown International LLP (England &Wales), Mayer Brown (a Hong Kong partnership) and Tauil &Chequer Advogados (a Brazilian law partnership) and non-legal service providers, which provide consultancy services (collectively, the “Mayer Brown Practices”). The Mayer Brown Practices are established in various jurisdictions and may be a legal person or a partnership. PK Wong &Nair LLC (“PKWN”) is the constituent Singapore law practice of our licensed joint law venture in Singapore, Mayer Brown PK Wong &Nair Pte. Ltd. Details of the individual Mayer Brown Practices and PKWN can be found in the Legal Notices section of our website.
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