Agilex Biolabs acquires leading biolab TetraQ for APAC Expansion Plans
- 2021年04月07日 18:00:00
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"TetraQ complements the Agilex Biolabs work in Australia and APAC with its expert staff and years of experience in regulated bioanalytical services,"he said. "The TetraQ purchase is part of our regional expansion plans. Agilex Biolabs is already the largest and most technologically advanced biolab in Australia, and the TetraQ addition to the business will further expand support for biotech clients running trials in Australia."
"We are also looking forward to introducing our clients to the well-established TetraQ toxicology capabilities for their discovery and pre-clinical work in Australia, which can also attract the 43.5% tax rebate. The clinical trials bioanalytics sector is one of the fastest-growing services globally with Australia and APAC a preferred location for conducting trials - especially since the COVID-19 pandemic."
TetraQ Director Dr Peter Tapley said he was very pleased that TetraQ was now an Agilex Biolabs company. "They are the leader in the sector with 24 years of experience, and offer our clients a significantly expanded range of services and technologies,"he said.
"Agilex Biolabs is known globally for its comprehensive services, specialist scientists, and the very latest technology. So this is the ideal next step for TetraQ and its staff and clients. I am pleased to be working alongside Agilex Biolabs'CEO Jason Valentine as we expand our offering and leverage the synergies that make our two companies leaders in the sector."
Agilex Biolabs specialises in bioanalysis of small molecules and biologics for PK, immunogenicity, biomarker and immunological pharmacodynamics assessments utilising LC-MS/MS, immunoassay (Mesoscale, Gyrolab, Luminex) and flow cytometry (BD FACSymphony A3, 20 colour cell analyser).
Agilex also offers pharmacodynamics services that include immunobiology services using the latest state-of-the-art technology to support immunology, cell biology and mode of action assays, including:
- Immunophenotyping
- Receptor occupancy
- Cytokine release assays (whole blood or PBMC stimulation assays) and cytokine/biomarker profiling
- PBMC assays and cellular mechanism of action assays (eg: ADCC)
Agilex Biolabs has 75 dedicated laboratory staff, and supports clinical research for biotech clients from US, Europe and APAC. The company recently launched a GALEXI client portal, and has taken delivery of two more Sciex API 6500+ LC-MS/MS systems. Key certifications include OECD GLP Recognition with NATA (Australian Government OECD GLP Compliance monitoring authority) and an ISO 17025 global accreditation.
About Agilex Biolabs --
Agilex Biolabs, Australia's leading bioanalytical laboratory, has more than 20 years'experience in performing regulated bioanalysis, including quality method development, method validation and sample analysis services. We have successfully supported hundreds of preclinical and clinical trials around the world where customers choose Australia for the streamlined regulatory process and access to the world's most attractive R&D rebate of more than 40% on clinical trial work conducted in Australia. We offer services for both small molecules and biologics for PK, immunogenicity (PD) and biomarker bioanalysis utilising LC-MS/MS and Immunoassay platforms.
About TetraQ --
TetraQ is a Brisbane-based provider of bioanalytical and rodent toxicology and pharmacokinetics services for new drug and vaccine products. Our facility has NATA recognition for compliance with the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). Our bioanalytical facility is located at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, and our in-life studies are run in a custom unit at the St Lucia campus of The University of Queensland. These two arms of TetraQ offer coordinated support for clients bringing pharmaceutical products to market.
TetraQ's bioanalytical facility determines small molecule and protein concentrations in matrices including plasma, serum, urine and tissue homogenates. We can develop and validate methods to support pharmacokinetic (PK) sample analysis for both pre-clinical and clinical studies. We also offer pharmacodynamic (PD) analysis of biomarkers based on commercial ELISA kits or Meso Scale Discovery multiplex technology.
Agilex Biolabs media contact:
Kate Newton
Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved.
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