(6)用語解説、参考文献 ※1 若い超新星残骸で見つかった、X線ホットスポットの強度変化: ・ “Extremely fast acceleration of cosmic rays in a supernova remnant”, Uchiyama, Y., Aharonian, F. A., Tanaka, T., Takahashi, T., &Maeda, Y. (2007), Nature, 449, 576 ・ “Fast Variability of Nonthermal X-Ray Emission in Cassiopeia A: Probing Electron Acceleration in Reverse-Shocked Ejecta”, Uchiyama, Y., &Aharonian, F. A. (2008), The Astrophysical Journal, 677, L105
※3 ASCA衛星による SN1006の観測 ・“Evidence for shock acceleration of high-energy electrons in the supernova remnant SN1006”, K. Koyama, R. Petre, E. V. Gotthelf, U. Hwang, M. Matsuura, M. Ozaki &S. S. Holt, (1995), Nature, 378, 255