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量子中継(量子リピーター)は量子ネットワーキングの重要な適応技術である。量子中継製品の商業化が進み、市場は光増幅器が通信市場を変化させたと同様の変化をもたらすだろう。量子中継によって量子ネットワークが可能となり、光ファイバは量子伝送を独占し始めるだろう。米国調査会社インサイドクァンタムテクノロジー(Inside Quantum Technology)の調査レポート「量子リピーター(量子中継):市場と技術評価」は、量子中継の現状を概説し、技術と商業的な優位点を分析している。研究段階の概念実証から技術的裏付けがあり経済的に実現可能なものまでの、量子中継製品のロードマップを記載している。NTT、レイセオンBBN、東芝、コーニングなどの多くの量子中継の主要企業について記載している。量子中継の出荷数と出荷金額に関する10年間の市場を予測している。

Quantum repeaters are a critical enabling technology for quantum networking. The advent of commercial quantum repeater products will transform the market in much the same way that optical amplifiers transformed the telecommunications business. With quantum repeaters available to quantum networkers, fiber optics will begin to dominate quantum transmission.

The applications for high-data rate long-haul quantum networks are only just beginning to be thought through. At this point in time, there are multiple schemes for how to build quantum repeaters, none of which have been proven. When there is a breakthrough, not only will quantum networking be brought much closer to reality, but the quantum repeater business will grow quickly to a sizeable market. At the same time, a fully commercialized quantum repeater, because of its inherent value to quantum networking, could itself generate a substantial market. Without quantum repeaters, there is no solution to maintaining entanglement over fiber optic cable at distances more than approximately 100 km, thus a true worldwide fiber optic quantum network cannot be built. In this new report Inside Quantum Technology:

● Reviews the current status of quantum repeaters and provides an analysis of where this technology is headed both technologically and commercially.

● Provides a roadmap for quantum repeater products from laboratory proof-of-concept to technically sound and economically viable products.

● Offers the reader an analysis of the leading quantum repeater strategies and our assessment of their likelihood of success in the global market. Work in the area of quantum repeaters is accelerating at major firms such as NTT, Raytheon BBN, Toshiba, Corning, and many others.

● Includes strategic profiles of all of the leading research groups, regional consortiums, and industrial firms involved with developing quantum repeater systems and components. In these profiles, we discuss the product marketing strategies that are evolving for quantum repeaters, how quantum repeaters will fit into quantum networks and how quantum repeater projects will be financed.

● Discusses material choices for quantum repeaters. Quantum repeater materials research has been focused on rare earth ion-doped solids, diamond color centers, crystalline solids, and alkali metal vapors and molecules.

The report also contains 10-year forecasts for quantum repeaters in volume and value terms. Three potential market scenarios for quantum repeaters (low growth, medium growth, and high growth) are explored with the economic and market opportunities and implications of each possible growth path indicated for each scenario.

米国調査会社インサイドクァンタムテクノロジー(Inside Quantum Technology)は、量子コンピュータシステム、量子暗号デバイスとソフトウェア、量子センサなど量子技術に関連する情報を提供しています。

■ 調査レポート ■

Quantum Repeaters: A Market and Technology Appraisal

◆米国市場調査会社 インサイドクァンタムテクノロジー(Inside Quantum Technology)について



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情報提供元: Dream News
記事名:「 【インサイドクァンタムテクノロジー調査報告】量子リピーター(量子中継):市場と技術評価