◇見どころ/主な学習のポイント◇ ■『ストレスが心身に及ぼす深い影響を探り、病状の根本原因を明らかにする』 Dr. Jibin Chi MD.MBA.MBI Chi Fractal Bioanalysis Owner Principal, CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden President, Channel Biomedical Group 1) 医学におけるストレスの意味 2) ストレスから病気へのメカニズム 3) ストレスは人間の生理学における基本的な警報システム 4) 医療におけるアロスタシスからホメオスタシスへ 5) CHI Fractal Bioanalysisの結果から読み解く ※キーワード:ストレス、心理的活動、免疫反応、自律神経、心拍変動
◇講師紹介◇ Dr. Jibin Chi MD.MBA.MBI Chi Fractal Bioanalysis Owner Principal, CHI Awakening Academy, Sweden President, Channel Biomedical Group (Netherlands, Sweden, Hong Kong) Board Member, Happyears AB, Sweden
Dr. Chi obtained his medical degree from Medical University of China in 1988 and undertook graduate research in Tohoku University in Japan in the field of preventative dentistry in the middle of 90’s. Thereafter he obtained a Master degree in International Business Administration and a Master degree in Business Informatics from Rotterdam School of Management in the Netherlands in the late 90’s.